el 2020-01-15 16:27:46

With the current demand for technology at events, organizers may think that it is an easy thing to know which ones to choose to offer their client, however, they do not have in mind that technological change turns out to be radical, and the continuous developments to implement change the entire time, which is a challenge for them.

I do not want to say that each organizing company has to transform daily into new applications and changes, what is real is that they can not be left behind to the great steps that technology takes, because retaking it will have already been too late. The truth is that all these advances automate events and give them a different way of communicating and performing their work better.

The next challenge of the organizer is which one to choose. Surely they have tried with QR codes or identification by radiofrequency and mobile applications - although some congressmen are reluctant to download them since they will only use it once -, however, that an application can serve them after the event could be a success and a trend that could be implemented.

Therefore, the mobile tools will continue to be the protagonists in the events, in addition to the attendees normally having at least one, these can be adapted to many possibilities, for example, the devices can be used as a second screen, there you can transmit a certain message that can be from the association or the speaker during the conference or outside the conference, giving the event a less linear characteristic and helping to have a different experience.

Also holograms and 3D technology are some of the trends to develop. The important thing is that they can tell a story through important messages that they want to be stored in the memory of the attendees. This technology can simulate a live message from the CEO of the company or association, an introduction of the following speaker can be given to attract attention to your conference, or conduct a fictional dialogue between two people.

Gestural technology is also becoming popular in some countries for being innovative and because it can improve the way the strategic message is communicated, perceived and remembered. This innovation does not require that they touch the device, but that it only locates us through the sensors, which opens a range of options and ideas to implement at the meeting.

Technology there are and will be of many types, the important thing is to be attentive to it and adapt it in the integral communication of the events. As in everything, in some cases you will have to live the trial and error, the important thing is to move forward and not be left behind.



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