el 2020-01-15 16:19:29

Standing in front of a small or large audience is not something simple, especially when your presentation depends on winning an event. Undoubtedly, nerves take over you because you know you can lose everything you've worked for. Relax and better prepare a strategy to be in front of the public in a professional manner. Here are some recommendations.


The investigation

You know the subject, you certainly reviewed it 100 times, however, it is important that you know who your audience will be. That will help you know the language you should use, how to address them and even the way you dress. The research also lies in knowing about the company or association qualitative and quantitative information, it will be useful and you will feel more confident than you speak.


When we are going to present a project or simply talk about our company for a tender, we must carry a series of slides that have already become a tradition. But, as everything has had changes, also the presentations in the traditional PowerPoint should do it. And I am not saying that you cannot rely on their designs but you have an expert who can help you, but try to make it visual including photographs, icons, graphics, numerals, etc. There are very good tools with which you can support yourself like Prezid, Keynote, Google Slide, among others. The rule is: more image, less words.

The details

It is normal that we take our personal computer to transmit the presentation, however, do not forget to check that all your files and chat groups are closed. Make sure that information that may compromise the company or personal matters is not visible. Just create a folder with the files you may need and be careful with the screen saver that could talk more about the account, which would be uncomfortable for both you and everyone present.

The message

It is very important that you have very clear the objectives of the presentation. I recommend that you divide them into three: One, the entrance, where you will show the information of who you are, what you do and your strengths. Two, the body, where the core message will go and 3, will include aspects that support what you said in your core message. Try to close with a photo, video or message that touches sensitive fibers. Your audience will leave with a pleasant feeling and will remember you.

Do not forget to start safely and not memorize, that will only make you look stoned, just keep in mind some keywords that will help you give continuity and fluidity to your message, you will definitely feel your audience more relaxed.


It is a fact that if you know your presentation thoroughly, you already have more than half the success, however, another aspect that must be taken into account is the security you transmit. One of the aspects to take into account is where to look when you're exhibiting. Some experts mention that you must fix a point, the problem is that you will never be able to see the face of your audience and you will not know their expressions, which can guide you throughout the exhibition.

Another important aspect is the voice, don't shout, but don't talk to yourself either. Place the voice in a clear and strong way, try to get it out of the abdomen so you don't hear yourself hyperventilated at some point.

If you are going to make the presentation together with another person, agree on who will say what. I was once in an exhibition that looked more like an infomercial acted, what happened is that no one paid attention to the central message, because of the laughter it caused everyone.

 And last and most importantly, review it perfectly, spelling mistakes are unjustifiable.







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